JxQST.jpg ᴽ Exoplanet Explorer takes a journey into deep space, beyond limits of our Solar Stem. Based latest available data, 'll explore virtual models of more than 700 known planets star stems y inhabit. ᴽ full version of Exoplanet Explorer 2 introduces a feature will aomatily download latest planetary discoveries, keeping up to date. first it also includes models of some of binary star stems are known to have planets, giving a much better idea of variety of different worlds our Galaxy. ᴽ data sourced from Exoplanet Encyclopaedia, SIMBAD, scientific papers, if i not available from of se sources, n wherever possible it will be culated estimated, giving access to of most complete exoplanet databases. ᴽ addition to an intuitive interface which allows touch driven navigation through our Galaxy, Exoplanet Explorer also offers a comprehensive search tool which will let find planets stems are interested . T includes ability to both search sort by planet name, number of planets a stem even n number of stars a stem, to name just a few. ᴽ Statistics are provided to summarise inmation database a global perspective. ᴽ Planets have divided up into 6 classes, furr subdivides into 3 temperature classes. T inmation n used to create models which are n assembled into work solar stems to an idea of y might look if could travel re to. ᴽ Planet are divided into follow mass classes: ᴽ Mercurian - rocky worlds have approximate mass of Mercury ᴽ Sub-terran - rocky planets a mass similar to Mars ᴽ Terran - rocky worlds similar mass to Earth ᴽ -terran - rocky worlds a higher mass than Earth ᴽ Neptunian - gas giants similar to Neptune ᴽ Jovian - gas giants massive more massive than Jupiter ᴽ planets are furr divided into follow temperature classes: ᴽ Hot - planets are too hot to support liquid water ᴽ Warm - planets star's habitable zone where liquid water could exist ᴽ Cold - planets beyond habitable zone where water would exist ice ᴽ 's t version : (Updated : Sep 29, 2012) ᴽ More planet inmation ᴽ Now using PHL planet data ᴽ 3D engine updated ᴽ Misc. bug fixes ᴽ Required Android O/S : 2.2+ ᴽ Release By chathu ᴽ play: ᴽ ᴽ
https://play.google.com/store/apps/d...planeplorer ᴽ Download: ᴽ http://www.directmirror.com/files/0KWYLZ6L ᴽ