zXXn0.jpg ᴽ Transm home screen a funny alternative launcher! ᴽ Gravity Home = Live wallpaper + Launcher + Phics ᴽ Transm home screen a funny alternative launcher. ᴽ Turn phone upside down watch favorite app icons respond to gravity, hang aroung screen, be completelly funcional. ᴽ Features: ᴽ Custom app list shown live wallpaper ᴽ Change Background image from gallery ᴽ Change app icons size ᴽ Lock icons home screen ( affect 1 desktop) ᴽ Modify gravity, elasticity friction. ᴽ To access wallpaper press ᴽ HOME->MENU->WALLPAPERS->LIVE WALLPAPERS ᴽ 's t version : (Updated : Sep 28, 2012) ᴽ Fixed bugs app selection from setts ᴽ Fixed bug caused ce close to open contacts certain devices ᴽ minor bugfixes to support more devices ᴽ Required Android O/S : 2.1+ ᴽ play: ᴽ ᴽ
https://play.google.com/store/apps/d...nchpro.kiio.es ᴽ Download: ᴽ http://www.directmirror.com/files/1WHOROAE ᴽ