OruxMaps Donate v4.8.61.jpg ᴽ Map vier/re logger door activities. ᴽ OruxMaps works two modes: ᴽ ✯ online many different of maps (Google maps, OpenStreetMap, Microsoft Maps,etc.). ᴽ ✯ offline ibrated maps application. convert Ozi Explorer maps, create own maps, a desktop tool. ᴽ Features: ᴽ Map download ᴽ t to Speech (some loes) ᴽ Wms support - Support to some .rmap maps, Support to vector maps (mapsge) ᴽ Profiles - Save/restore preferences ,Complete track statistics, different graphs ᴽ External bluetooth GPS support ᴽ Export tracks KML/GPX mats ᴽ Follow old tracks/res, distance alarm. ᴽ Save Waypoints attached -audio-video media files. Wpt proximity alarm custom audio alarm ᴽ Waypoint navigation mode ᴽ Geocaching support ᴽ Custom cursor images ᴽ Por save mode, long track recording ᴽ Use a heart monitor device (supported Zephyr HRM, Polar Bluetooth ANT+) ᴽ 's t version : (Updated : Aug 8, 2012) ᴽ Solved some bugs kml files. ᴽ Required Android O/S : 2.0+ ᴽ play: ᴽ ᴽ
https://play.google.com/store/apps/d...XBzRG9uYXRlIl0. ᴽ Download: ᴽ http://www.directmirror.com/files/LMMP9DEQ ᴽ