Ocean Alive Video Wallpapers v1.0.1 ᴽ Requirements By Download Apk Files | Android Apps | Android Market | Widgetsdroid.blogspot.com: Android 2.0 higher ᴽ Requirements By Download Apk Files | Android Apps | Android Market | Widgetsdroid.blogspot.com: Inspir scenes video wallpapers from nature wont drain battery slow device. Alive stops when anor app runn device idle, it uses no more battery than a wallpaper. It aomatily saves to SD card to prevent memory problems. ᴽ ᴽ [break] ᴽ TO USE ᴽ Connect to free fast wifi > homescreen > long-press empty area > live wallpapers > Alive ᴽ Black screen? Try pressing Press 'set wallpaper' ᴽ COMPATIBILITY & TIPS ᴽ - Alive runs smoothly 97% of Android devices ᴽ - If a video doesn't load immediately are stuck a black 'loading live wallpaper' screen, try pressing 'set wallpaper' restart device. ᴽ - Having trouble an individual video? Try delet it downloading it again. ᴽ Having trouble after an update? Try clear app data app manager, uninstall reinstall app. ᴽ *PLEASE* email us any problems rar than leaving a negative comment roll fixes: aintslack@gmail.com ᴽ /> ᴽ ᴽ
https://play.google.com/store/apps/d...cGVyLmZyZWUiXQ.. ᴽ Download Instructions: ᴽ http://www.filecloud.ws/s0l22q9lp1nx ᴽ http://mir.cr/4GFAABEV